
For thousands of years, Seaweed has been known as a healing plant. We are harvesting the most precious seaweed from the west coast of Ireland, using the cleanest waters from the Alps and traditional japanese green tea which is rich in antioxidants, to create our Kombucha. 100% organic.

SEA your health

Discover our exceptional Kombucha, crafted from organic, premium ingredients.

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Our Energy Drink has earned its name powered by nature. Energize your health, your performance and your beautiful body with pure and natural ingredients and pure water from the alps. 100% Organic.

Light your pace

Discover our exceptional Energy, crafted from organic, premium ingredients.

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Grown on an Ice Age soil, nursed with the cleanest waters and a caring hand, we are harvesting and creating a premium non-alcoholic wine with an outstanding taste. LACE wines stands for 0,0% alcohol and 100% taste. Made for leaders by choice.

Ground your freedom

Discover our exceptional premium wines. Multiple awarded for the best taste in alcohol free wines.

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The most luxurious water on earth. From the Ice Age Era to the finest tables around the world, you can expect a superior quality, sourced from the purest glaciers of Greenland. Surrounded by impressive mountains, vulcanos and the Aurora Boralis, LaceSea Artisan Glacier Water is made by fire & ice.

Freeze your evanescence

Discover the superior quality of the most luxury water on earth.

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